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02/11/2021 Recipes

Randy's Winter BBQ Recipes: Vegetarian Perogies

Randaddys Vegetarian Perogies

Canadians love perogies, a kind of dumpling these vegetarian perogies are seasonal and have an added crunch. Originally from Poland these were a Christmas special among the family back home in Canada when I was growing up.

This is a simple recipe that takes just a little bit of time and patience but well worth the effort. And a quick tip you can make these in advance and put them in the freezer and have them ready to cook off anytime over Christmas when unexpected guests arrive!




For the pastry

300g plain flour

25g salt

200ml warm water

25g butter


For the filling

1 roasted squash 

15 crushed hazelnuts 

½ bunch of coriander chopped

1 tsp of cumin 



200g smoked streaky bacon

1 diced red onion 



  1. Roast your butternut squash the night before face down cut in half for 45 - 60 @160c


  2. Put all the pastry ingredients in a bowl mix with your hands thoroughly until the pastry becomes smooth and not lumpy.


  3. Remove your roasted butternut squash from fridge and mix in hazelnuts, chopped coriander, cumin and season to taste. 


  4. Roll out pastry and cut out circular discs – I used a cup!


  5. With spoon place 1 tablespoon of squash mixture on one half of the pastry disc. Fold over and seal by rubbing a drop of water around the edges creating a half moon, seal with a fork.  After all the perogies are filled put in fridge until ready to use.


  6. Heat pan and cook bacon till crispy and take off leaving used oil in the pan. Meantime boil water for perogies which you will quickly blanch for 3 to 4 minutes or until floating.


  7. Remove with slotted spoon and add the perogies to pan along with the bacon fat oil and onions and fry off together. Once perogies browned on both sides add bacon bits and serve.

       8. Serve with some sour cream or any cream with fresh green onions.

18/01/2022 • Recipes

A Taste of Calor Brown Soda Bread by Chef Gearóid Lynch

Spring has arrived but the cold weather continues. Keep comfortable and enjoy some wholesome food to warm the heart and soul – and stomach. This delicious, hearty brown soda bread recipe is one of our all-time favourites. This recipe from Chef…

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