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05/05/2020 Home & Lifestyle

Caravan and Camping Season 2020 Kicks Off

There was an audible sigh of relief from camping enthusiasts when the Government announced that campsites could re-open. 

Camping enthusiasts live for the weekend and to travel the highways of our island to see all that the country has to offer.  While the camping season would normally start in March or April, this year’s shorter window will see campers taking every opportunity to hit the road with their families in tow, and make the most of the summer to autumn season.
Many campers will be using their vehicles for the first time since last year, so there are some important things to consider when taking the vehicle out of storage. 

Here’s our top tips for those preparing for caravan or camping holidays in the weeks and months ahead.

Check your tyre pressure
The most important part in any trip is making it home safely.   If your vehicle has been lying idle for months, tyre pressure may have reduced.  Not moving the van for some months can cause the tyres to wear out on the part of the tyre which is in contact with the ground. Tyres are critical to keep you safe, take the time you need to make sure they are in good shape. 

Check you have packed all your essentials
When you were putting away your vehicle for the winter, did you take out chairs, tin openers, or games for the kids?   Make sure whatever came out goes back in.  Checklists are a good way of ensuring that you have everything you need.  
Toilet chemicals, gas, torch, matches, toolkit, levelling ramps, camping chairs and table, bedding, picnic blanket, and barbecue may all be in the shed  . Make sure these items are put back in the van before departure. Any omissions could end in a serious camping conundrum!

Tax, Insurance, CVT
Covid 19 has played havoc with people’s normal routines. Perhaps you tax your van in February but decided not to as you were not sure you would be using it?  Before you drive off, make sure that all your documents are up to date.  

Check your gas cylinder 
Make sure that you have plenty of gas for your cylinder.  You don’t want to arrive at your destination unable to cook or heat your van.  Also, ensure that your gas regulator and gas hoses are in good working order.  Hoses will perish over time, so it is important to check them every season.

Water and sanitation
You may have emptied your water tank at the end of last year.  There may still be some traces which have been lying over the winter. Let your water run a little to try and clear the pipes.  Also, use a water purifying tablet to reduce the chance of any stomach upsets.  
Make sure your toilets have all the necessary disinfectant.  Some campsites will not be operating communal showers and toilets this year, so your own bathroom facilities may get more use. 

It is important that your campervan has all the necessary safety equipment to deal with problems should they arise.  A smoke and carbon monoxide alarm can provide early warning of an issue and potentially save lives in an emergency.  A fire blanket or small fire extinguisher will allow you to manage any small fire.  A small first aid kit is also a must.   

Preparation is everything, especially when travelling with your family. Taking an hour or two to go through your checklist and make sure you are ready for the new camping season will save you time, money and emotional energy on the road!  

Good luck in planning your next adventure.   


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